Wednesday, May 4, 2011

my perspective on the planned business

The new plans that are to come at the Trinity forest River

To build forest house's near Trinity forest river is a good idea, and the fact that tourist's could be on a boat in trinity forest, so that they could have dinner or maybe spend the night in a wilderness like area around the house is totally something Amazing,  because it's right here in dallas and it  is unheard of to have here, there is also huge assortment of wild life in the forest which i had never heard of to be near my school, to my huge surprise!, there are animals such as deer and horses and i think... bobcat's to be around as well. but really i'm shocked that at the fact that there is a huge forest in dallas, one day i might want to explore it, but i really don't want to get lost so i would need a map of the whole forest,i maybe might bring to a gun as well if there are bobcat's  around .

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Hello to who's reading, i hope it's Yu because i would like to get to know you, like i said before on my profile infomation i'm an down to earth kind of guy (sigh) i'm am so not good at this kind of stuff actually i'm not good at socilizeing period! (opps mispell) i'm not a good spelling ether....well i will do my best at this, i hope we both can get along, here's for the best of luck  for both of us!

Alibaba message successfully sent

Can't contact buyer Alibaba


i did not get a message back from my buyer yet so i am planning to send more messages to more buyers.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My letter to my buyer that I will send when my account is available

我是学生在____高中在达拉斯,得克萨斯,美国。 我有一个教训在学会如何的我的经济课打开我自己的出口业务。 我看了您的公司的请求买使用的摩托车。 我选择了您的公司为我的教训。 能您请回答问题如下:

1) 请给您希望买项目的一个详尽的描述,包括所有具体特征。


3) 这些项目您想要每次买多少?

4) 您多频繁想要购买这些项目?

5) 是多少您愿意支付这些项目? 如果您有多少的范围您支付,低和高价区别根据情况或其他?

6) 您怎么要求项目被包装? (箱子、木条板箱,板台)


8) 您是否需要物品运输与一家具体货物公司?

9) 您的供应商是否通常发布您信用证? 您期待什么期限在信用证?

10) 有没有任何进口限制在您的国家为那个项目?

11) 有没有任何入口税在这个项目? 如果那样,您是否将支付这些?

What I am selling on

Used Motorcyles to China.